Baptist Community Health Needs Assessment

Baptist Memorial Health Care is dedicated to the health and well-being of the many communities we serve across the Mid-South. We believe strongly in corporate citizenship and the importance of collaboration with local organizations to build stronger and healthier communities.

To help us track community health and respond to the needs of residents, every three years we conduct a Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) and develop Community Health Improvement Plans (CHIP) for each of our hospitals. These endeavors help to ensure our initiatives, activities and partnerships align with our communities’ most pressing concerns and guide our community benefit investments.

Community engagement was an integral part of the CHNA. In assessing community health needs, Baptist sought to engage and garner insight from historically underrepresented and underserved populations. We received wide perspectives and recommendations from diverse community representatives. We will incorporate this input to increase access to care and lead efforts that address underlying social determinants of health and health inequities.

Baptist has 24 affiliate hospitals serving residents in Tennessee, Mississippi and Arkansas. The CHNA focused on the primary service county(ies) of each Baptist hospital to identify health trends and unique disparities within these communities. Hospitals with overlapping service areas were grouped into regions for comparisons of health and socio-economic data.

Request a Copy of a CHNA

To request a copy of a current CHNA, please click here.

About IRS 501(r) Regulation Requirements

The CHNA and supporting CHIPs were conducted in a timeline and using an approach that complies with IRS Tax Code 501(r) requirements for not-for-profit hospitals as set forth by the Affordable Care Act (ACA). To learn more about IRS Code 501(r) requirements, please click here.

While compliance is hugely important, Baptist believes that CHNAs have great value to our hospitals and communities beyond required reporting. They are vital tools to guide community health improvement activities as well as enhance care delivery, improve patient engagement strategies and direct population health management.


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