Mississippi Baptist Medical Center Student and Faculty Orientation

Mississippi Baptist Medical Center’s internship and job shadowing programs are designed to nurture and mold the next generation of health care professionals, provide opportunities to grow and expand their knowledge and give them to the tools and support they need to explore health care career options. We hope your experience with us will enhance your education and growth as a future health care provider.

Since 1911, Mississippi Baptist Medical Center has served Mississippi as a Christian-based, non-profit comprehensive medical center. We take pride in being more than just a hospital, we are Jackson's first hospital. From our beginning more than 100 years ago in an eight-room wooden frame home, we have grown to become the largest private hospital in the state and we’re now a part of the Baptist Memorial Health Care system, Mississippi’s fourth largest employer and the largest health care system in the state.

Mission Statement

In keeping with the three-fold ministry of Christ — Healing, Preaching and Teaching — Baptist Memorial Health Care is committed to providing quality health care.

Vision Statement

To create an expert system of care in the Mid-South where love abounds so that God can do the impossible.


  • Compassionate care and service
  • Teamwork and trust
  • Innovation and excellence
  • Respect for the individual and the value of diversity

Service First

Service First is defined as the delivery of the best possible experience so that patients will recommend us to their family and friends. We strive to always deliver the best possible care to our patients and the Baptist CARES Experience Principles are expected, “Always Behaviors” that all staff agree to model and champion in our organization. Guided by our mission, inspired by our vision, convicted by our values, and grounded by our principles, we strive to demonstrate “Always Behaviors.” These behaviors give evidence of our commitment to create and sustain a Christ-like culture at Baptist. This culture supports an environment of healing and spirituality while maintaining programs and activities that fuel intellectual growth. Please engage yourself in your surroundings and be mindful of the following guidelines.


  • A method for identifying opportunities for streamlining work and reducing waste in the forms of cost, time and rework.
  • An ongoing effort to improve products, services or processes.
  • A never-ending striving for perfection in everything you do.

ALWAYS Behaviors:

  • I will always commit to following the standards defined for my work
    • Examples: Central line insertion or handling Help Desk tickets
  • I will always seek opportunities for process improvement
    • Examples: Decrease operating room turnaround times from 30 to 22 minutes or increase patient experience by improving food temperature
  • I will always be a good steward of our resources
    • Examples: Reduction of inventory in stock rooms for unused items or reduction of repeat blood draws due to contaminated samples

NEVER Behaviors:

  • Actively and willfully ignoring policies and protocols and working to define one’s own standards
  • Performing work in the same way even when we are not getting the desired results
  • Being wasteful with time and resources


  • Alignment:
    • Process by which you keep your team working towards the organization’s overarching goals.
    • Ensures our talent is being effectively and efficiently utilized.
  • Accountability
    • An assurance that an individual or an organization is held responsible for performance or behaviors that are assigned or required for their jobs.
    • Exists when all team members individually and collectively act to promote the timely accomplishment of the organization’s mission.

ALWAYS Behaviors:

  • I will always take initiative to communicate our goals and plans
    • Example: Nurse explains a patient’s plan of care for the day to the patient
  • I will always work with my team to achieve our expected outcomes
    • Example: Offering to assist a peer with starting an IV or cleaning a room
  • I will always express appreciation for a job well done
    • Example: Sending a thank you card

NEVER Behaviors:

  • Failing to communicate with team members about our activities, goals or plans
  • Taking actions that undermine the efforts of other team members
  • Failing to demonstrate gratitude


  • A vital component of both personal identity and interpersonal relationships.
  • Valuing and honoring another person.
  • Accepting others; not judging by their behaviors or beliefs.

ALWAYS Behaviors:

  • I will always acknowledge others with eye contact and a cheerful greeting
    • Examples: Make eye contact within 10 ft. of others and speak to them when within 5 ft. (the 5/10 rule of greeting)
  • I will always be prepared, on time, and actively engaged
    • Example: Starting and ending meetings on time, arriving on time and prepared for my shift
  • I will always embrace diversity by demonstrating my love for others
    • Example: Making sure everyone is included in team discussions and decisions

NEVER Behaviors:

  • Ignoring others and avoiding engaging with them
  • Being perpetually late
  • Being distracted by electronic devices (i.e., phone, computer, etc.)


  • EMPATHY: The capacity to share and understand a person’s emotions and feelings; putting oneself into another’s shoes.
  • COMPASSION: The emotional response to another person’s pain or suffering, involving an authentic desire to help; it is ACTION.

ALWAYS Behaviors:

  • I will always seek to first understand and then to be understood
    • Examples: Focusing on the words being said, but missing the meaning entirely or deciding what the person means before he/she finishes
  • I will always manage up my team
    • Examples: Telling patients the number of years of experience of the team on the unit and assuring them they are in good hands
  • I will always use key words at key times
    • Examples: Telling a patient you are closing the door for their privacy when you leave the room

NEVER Behaviors:

  • Not listening to others or failing to show an interest in others’ views or perspectives
  • Avoiding congratulating team members on a job well done
  • Minimizing communication with patients, family members or team members


  • Focusing on the needs of others, especially team members, before you consider your own.
  • Supporting others to develop and perform as highly as possible.
  • Acknowledging other people’s perspectives.

ALWAYS Behaviors:

  • I will always put the needs of others first
    • Examples: Allowing others to enter or exit the elevator first, holding the door for others, escorting guests to their destination
  • I will always seek opportunities for service recovery
    • Examples: Apologizing for a long wait time, thanking the individual for their patience, asking what you can do to help.

NEVER Behaviors:

  • Putting one’s own needs before the needs of others
  • Avoiding talking with or engaging with those patients or family members who voice concerns

Even though you are new to our campus, when you are interacting with others you represent Baptist. When you give your very best to those you serve, you can feel good about the work you do and the importance of your role in providing the best possible experience. That is what our patients, families and guests want as well – our very best.

HIPAA - Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act

Certain laws and regulations require that practitioners and health plans maintain the privacy of health information. One of the fundamental principles is that access to patient information is limited by the "need to know" rule, which is defined as those individuals that are directly associated with the patient's care. Baptist takes HIPAA regulations very seriously. This law impacts students in the following ways:

  • Patient records may not be photocopied or printed from a computer terminal for personal use (i.e. writing care plans or other papers).
  • Students must not release any patient information independently.
  • Any request for patient information should be directed to your preceptor or nurse assigned to your patient.
  • You cannot talk about your patients to anyone other than those who "need to know."
  • Violations of HIPAA may result in termination of the student experience.

A signed HIPAA statement of confidentiality is required of all students before any clinical experiences. This form should be printed, signed and will be kept at your respective school by the instructors.


  • Knock before entering a patient's room
  • Close room doors when discussing treatments and administering procedures.
  • AVOID discussions about patients in public areas such as the cafeteria lines, halls and elevators.
  • Safeguard medical records by not leaving the record unattended in an area where the public can view or access the record.
  • If you have logged into a computer system to view or enter data into the medical record, make sure you log off once you are finished.

Any patient-identification information is discarded only in the large gray shred boxes on each unit. An exception might be if it is an empty IV Bag in the patient's room, that has the patient's name on it, you may mark through the identifying information with a black marker and dispose in the regular trash.

Professional Image


To create and present a professional image that helps our patients, members and customers feel safe, confident and comfortable when they interact with any Baptist employee or student.


While on campus your school name badge must be worn in a visible location on the upper torso at all times.


Employees/Instructors/Students are expected to practice personal hygiene such as being neatly groomed and free of body odor or strong perfume/cologne that might interfere with those who are ill or allergic to such odors or fragrances. Hairstyles are to be conservative, clean and neat, and should not inadvertently make contact with patients or customers. NO artificial nails or extenders are allowed. Natural fingernails are to be clean, conservative, and no more than ¼ inch in length. Tattoos should not be visible. Cover tattoos with clothing or a bandage.


Visible body piercing is not permitted except for piercing of the ears. Earrings must be conservative and limited to two per ear. Men may not wear earrings on campus.


Follow your school uniform policy. Unacceptable clothing includes blue-denim jeans, leggings, shorts, mini-skirts, T-shirts with logos or silk screens, tight, or low cut clothing. Shoes should be selected with a concern for safety and comfort, noise level and a professional appearance. Flip-Flop type shoes are not acceptable. The dress code applies to any time on campus for school purposes.


Use of a cell phone is not allowed in patient care areas or where the public can see you.

Student, Faculty and Staff Roles and Responsibilities

It is imperative to have open and clear communication between the staff, student and faculty. There is a chain of command for each unit. The typical chain of command begins with the nurse assigned to the patient. If there is still cause for concern regarding a patient, family or staff member, then the charge nurse needs to be notified. If there is still cause for concern, the Nurse Manager is notified if available. If the Nurse Manager is not available each area has an assigned Clinical Director. The Chief Nursing Officer, Brenda Howie is the next level in the chain of command. If you have any questions regarding the chain of command, please contact Hospital Administration at 601-968-5130.

Staff retain responsibility for patient care, recognizing that students will not replace Baptist staff or give service to patients apart from their educational level. Staff will initiate frequent communication with students/faculty regarding the care for the assigned patient(s).


  • Will adhere to general rules, polices and regulations of Baptist.
  • Work in collaboration with staff members who retain responsibility for the patient.
  • Keep staff informed of a patient's status and immediately inform the patient care provider of significant changes in a patient's condition.
  • Students will respectfully support the patient's rights and will inform the nurse immediately whenever a patient requests the student not participate in their care.
  • Students must inform the assigned nurse when leaving the unit on a break.
  • Students will give a verbal summary of their care to the assigned nurse before leaving the unit.
  • Students will work within their level of education and skill, seeking direction and validation from the staff or his/her instructor. If the student is not able to competently perform the skills assigned, he/she must inform the nurse. Seek guidance as needed to perform skills.
  • Students/Faculty will utilize the materials and/or orientations provided to become knowledgeable of facility guidelines, and ask questions when clarification or more information is needed.
  • Illness or Injury while on campus: Baptist Health Systems will provide immediate first aid for work related injuries or illnesses such as needle sticks to students. The cost of immediate first aid will be billed to the student's insurance carrier, but the student shall assume the responsibility for payment for such charges.

Pain Management


All patients have a Right to Pain Relief.


  • Inform patients at their initial assessment that relief of pain is an important part of their care.
  • Respond quickly to reports of pain.
  • Believe the pain described by the patient.


  • Use approved pain scales to measure pain and to document. For awake and alert adults it is usually appropriate to use a pain scale of 1-10. Please see policy on Pain Management for more details and ask your instructor for assistance.
  • Are done on admission.
  • With initial shift assessment (at least every 8 hours).
  • Patients with patient controlled analgesia (PCA) pumps should have pain and sedation assessed and documented minimally every 4 hours.
  • After any known pain producing event.
  • With each new report of pain.
  • After each pain management intervention, once sufficient time has lapsed for the treatment to reach peak effect.
  • It is very important to "close the loop" of documentation: Assessment - then Intervention –Reassessment –Documentation of response.


Range Orders: The dose and/or dosing interval of a range order will be interpreted as the lowest dose at the shortest dosing interval. If the desired effect has not been achieved and no adverse reactions have been observed, the dose may be increased to the highest dose.

Requirements Prior to Clinical Experiences

Prior to student experiences, this online orientation is required for Instructors, Nursing Students, Respiratory Therapy Students, Physical Therapy Students, and any other students who come to Baptist for clinical experiences or observation. Students/Instructors will utilize the materials and/or orientations provided to become knowledgeable of facility guidelines, and ask questions when clarification or more information is needed.

Note: For Nursing instructors and students, please review the resources page for education on the new IV pumps and Omnicell needed before clinical.

All requests to shadow a clinical employee must be pre-approved by the Education Department. Shadow experiences are limited to no more than two days. Contact Laurie Green at laurie.green@bmhcc.org or 601-968-4186 for more information. "Shadow Students," please wear scrubs the day you observe in the hospital. Before beginning the experience, pick up a badge in the Education Department on the lower level, and bring the signed Student Signature Pages. We must have them on file.

Read carefully the online orientation material and print a copy for reference material, as needed. Students and Instructors are responsible for the content.

Each department or discipline at MBMC is responsible for coordinating clinical experiences in their respective areas. Please contact that department for questions. However, the Education Department is also available as a resource.

To reserve a post-conference room, please email educationcenter@bmhcc.org.


  • Instructors will complete the Student and Instructor Orientation Requirements Checklist.
  • All students and instructors are encouraged to complete a COVID-19 vaccine series. A COVID-19 Vaccine Summary Form must be submitted prior to your clinical experience.
  • All students and instructors are required to receive the flu vaccine. For exemptions, an Influenza Medical or Religious Exemption Form must be filled out and submitted for approval. Students and Faculty with exemptions must wear a hospital provided mask during the flu season (October - March). A Flu Vaccine Summary Form must be submitted prior to your clinical experience.
  • After finishing the online orientation, the student and instructor should complete the Signature pages. The student and instructor should read, print and sign these pages, and give the originals to their instructor to be placed in their school file.     
  • Instructors must complete the On-Line Student Roster Form for all clinical experiences. Complete it in its entirety prior to submission and send to onlineformsedu@bmhcc.org at least 14 days prior to starting clinicals. The form is sent directly to the administrative assistants at Baptist to create, or check for activation, the student’s/instructor’s 6 digit number. It is very important that the social security number and middle name are filled in. Confidentiality is ensured.

**Please turn in the entire clinical group’s forms at the same time. The Epic user ID is not released until all forms and requirements are submitted. If all required forms are not received, the clinical experience cannot take place.

Electronic Health Record – Documentation

The electronic charting system is called Epic and all units use the system. Students are required to attend an official Epic class, and are expected to document in the method used on each unit. Instructors are to review the documentation of a student for accuracy and co-sign.

Depending on occupation, not all students may be required to train in our electronic health record, Epic. Please check with the respective discipline to see, if Epic training is required for your area.

  • Clinical Instructors must be trained in Epic.
    The expectation is for faculty of student groups to have a credentialed trainer (CT) to teach their clinical students the required programs in a classroom setting on our campus. If more information is needed on how to become a CT, please reach out to the Education Resource Center at 601-968-4186.
  • Classroom Reservations
    Reservations for computer classrooms must be made 14 days in advance of the needed date. Due to limited space, please suggest more than one training reservation date. To reserve a computer lab for Epic training or classrooms for post conference, please email educationcenter@bmhcc.org.
  • Roster
    At least 14 days before the Epic class, instructors will download and complete the roster to begin the process of creating an individual’s login to the system. Click here for Online Student Roster Form. It is mandatory that ALL fields must be completed. Send the roster to onlineformsedu@bmhcc.org.
    • Nursing rosters will be returned to the instructor with six-digit numbers a day or two prior to the group’s scheduled Epic training.
    • A new roster must be submitted every semester so student/instructor accounts can be created/re-activated.
  • Logins and Passwords:
    • Directly after successful completion of EPIC training, while still in the training room, the instructor will submit an electronic sign on request, using their Baptist issued email (typically firstname.lastname@bmhcc.org), through Baptist OneCare on the intranet for each student and non-CT faculty. Click here for information on the EPIC Electronic request submission process.
      • If you are not able to submit for EPIC access electronically, please reach out to Brandi Morris and Tina Magers. We will need to know if a student did not attend so we can remove them from the roster, and then will send the roster to Corporate to obtain access.
      • It may take up to 24-48 hours for EPIC access to be granted, therefore, we recommend to conduct the training a week prior to the student’s first day of clinical.
    • The student/faculty must change the initial password, which is sent to the instructor via email prior to training, to a confidential password.
      • We recommend attempting to change the password directly after Epic training, while still in the training room, in an attempt to reduce delays on the student’s first day of clinicals.
    • Access to document in the EHR is assigned per semester and ends with the clinical end date, however when a Student Roster is completed in future semesters, the logins and passwords are reset (another class is not required).
    • Please call the help desk at extension 1122 (from any internal phone), or 901-227-7777, if you or your group is having difficulty with logins.
    • Student and faculty, who are also employees of the medical center, must use a sign-on that is set up specifically for the clinical rotation, so please notate on roster so the student/instructor can obtain the correct access for both roles. These students or faculty must not use their employee sign-on during their clinical rotation.

A student is NOT allowed to chart under the instructor or anyone else's login and password.

Instructors and students are NOT allowed to access or perform any point of care testing using an employee’s log-in information under any circumstances.

New Faculty Instructions

Welcome to Baptist! We are delighted to host you and your students for clinical experiences on our campus. If there is anything that we can do to assist you, please feel free to contact the Education Resource Center (ERC) at 601-968-4186. The ERC department is located on the Lower Level of the main hospital, near the service elevators.

There are several steps for a faculty that is new to our facility. It is required to have these things done prior to your first day of clinical. We appreciate your assistance. See the following information:

  1. Call 601-968-1296 to set up a time during business hours for you to go to our Human Resource Department (HR) and have an ID badge made with your picture. HR is located on the second floor of the Medical Arts West Building adjoined to the parking garage.
  2. Stop by the Security Department Office on the Lower Level, after you have obtained your badge, and fill out a "Security Card" with your badge information, car tag identification, make and model of your car. This is required before allowing access to our medication rooms and to receive a parking decal.
  3. Please come to the Education Resource Center for a form that allows access to the automated dispensing units for medications. It needs to be signed by the ERC department and given to pharmacy. 

Thank you, and we look forward to working with you!

For questions, contact the Education Resource Center at educationcenter@bmhcc.org / 601-968-4186, or the respective coordinating staff at MBMC.

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