Heartburn Quiz

Baptist Heartburn Treatment Quiz

2 out of every 5 people get heartburn at least once a month.

When you eat, your stomach produces acid to help you digest the food. Acid in the wrong place can lead to heartburn or a burning in the middle of the chest. You feel heartburn when stomach acid moves up into the esophagus. This happens when the valve, or "gate," between the esophagus and stomach functions incorrectly. Heartburn is the most common symptom of a disease called GERD, gastroesophageal reflux disease. For many, symptoms are mild. For some, GERD is a daily, severe problem with lifelong implications.

Please call our Baptist Heartburn Treatment Center at 662-636-2120 for a free consultation. We offer diagnosis and minimally invasive treatment options that can end the burning and stop the damage.

Do you have GERD? Take the Heartburn Quiz to find out.

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