Baptist Pharmacy Residency PGY1 Residents

Dan Che, PharmD

PGY1 Resident

Dan Che
Pharmacy degree
Doctor of Pharmacy; Creighton University School of Pharmacy and Health Professions; Omaha, NE; 2023

About Dan
Dan’s professional interests include infectious diseases and critical care. In her free time, she enjoys streaming videos, listening to podcasts and exploring different local restaurants.

Why did you choose Baptist?
I chose Baptist for the wide variety of rotation and patient care experiences, the opportunity to practice in an environment where pharmacists are a large part of the care team, and the chance to work beside encouraging preceptors that will help refine my abilities as a new pharmacist.

What is your day like as a resident?
Each day is different but typically includes working up patients, going on rounds, attending meetings, working on projects and precepting students.

What's your favorite thing about Memphis?
There are so many things to explore and I look forward to discovering more great things about this city.

Why did you choose pharmacy as a career?
I shadowed a pharmacist during my undergrad time and instantly fell in love with the impact pharmacists have.


Dylan Adams, PharmD

PGY1 Resident

Dylan Adams Undergraduate degree
Bachelor of Science in biochemistry; Carson-Newman University; Jefferson City, TN; 2019

Graduate degree
Master of Science in pharmaceutical sciences; University of Kentucky College of Pharmacy; Lexington, KY; 2023

Pharmacy degree
Doctor of Pharmacy; University of Kentucky College of Pharmacy; 2023

About Dylan
Dylan grew up in Jefferson City, Tennessee, a small town just outside of Knoxville. He enjoys movies and especially those from the 50s and 70s, all kinds of music from classical to jazz to extreme metal, podcasts, playing his guitar, cooking and enjoying great coffee. Dylan says he has been blessed with a great family and the opportunity to be well-educated and well-traveled.

Why did you choose Baptist?
I chose Baptist because of the opportunities to learn that are provided here by the PGY1 Pharmacy Residency program. The people here want to help you achieve your goals and genuinely care about your training.

What is your day like as a resident?
Resident life comes with a lot of challenges. I love that I am learning so much about practicing my new profession, and I can't wait to see what is in store for me this year.

What's your favorite thing about Memphis?
The food! I've been in Memphis enough to know that it has plenty of excellent places for foodies to go.

Why did you choose pharmacy as a career?
I like to ask "why" questions, especially about natural processes. I love to learn why things are the way they are. Not surprisingly, I've always had a big interest in the sciences, especially chemistry and biology. I got my undergraduate degree in biochemistry, an area of particular fondness for me. When drugs would come up as demonstrations of certain physiological or biochemical concepts, I always found that part to be the most fascinating. Turns out drugs are cool, and that's why I became a pharmacist.

Why would you recommend Baptist to a prospective applicant?
The pharmacy residency program here has been amazing so far, So many great and wonderful people that care about your experience and professional goals. I've already learned a lot, so I can't wait to see what the rest of the year has in store for me.

Hamdi Qazzaz, PharmD

PGY1 Resident

Hamdi Qazzaz Undergraduate degree
Bachelor of Science in chemistry; University of Memphis; 2018
Bachelor of Science in pharmaceutical science; University of Tennessee Health Science Center; Memphis, TN; 2021

Pharmacy degree
Doctor of Pharmacy; University of Tennessee Health Science Center; 2021

About Hamdi
Born in Memphis, Tennessee (at Baptist Memphis), Hamdi has lived in Olive Branch, Mississippi for the majority of his life. He enjoys weightlifting and tries to work out at least five times a week.

Why did you choose Baptist?
I chose Baptist because of the variety of clinical experiences including a focus in cardiology and critical care, which are the two areas I am interested in. I also had many experiences at Baptist as a student and enjoyed the supportive and encouraging environment. The preceptors were excellent, and the past residents seemed to enjoy the program and were willing to help each other out, which is an important factor for me.

What is your day like as a resident?
My day consists of working up patients, participating in rounds and completing pharmacy consults. In the afternoon is a mix of topic discussions, more consults and working on the many projects that we have. It is a very challenging program, but very rewarding.

What's your favorite thing about Memphis?
My favorite thing about Memphis is the restaurants.

Why did you choose pharmacy as a career?
I knew I wanted a career in the medical field ever since high school. I chose pharmacy because I was interested in the medication side of health care and because pharmacists also are closely involved in the care of patients.

Why would you recommend Baptist to a prospective applicant?
I would definitely recommend Baptist to a prospective applicant because, even though there are many projects, you learn a lot and all the preceptors are supportive and show interest in our development and a desire to see us succeed.

Hannah Porter, PharmD

PGY1 Resident

Hannah Porter Undergraduate degree
Bachelor of Arts in biology; University of Arkansas; Fayetteville, AR; 2019
Bachelor of Science in pharmaceutical science; University of Tennessee Health Science Center; Memphis, TN; 2021

Pharmacy degree
Doctor of Pharmacy; University of Tennessee Health Science Center; Memphis, TN; 2023

About Hannah
Hannah is originally from Hot Springs, Arkansas. Her primary practice interests include emergency medicine and critical care. Outside of work, Hannah enjoys CrossFit, playing with her golden doodle, spending time on the lake and hanging out with friends and family.

Why did you choose Baptist?
I fell in love with Baptist for the people and the patients. Baptist has an incredibly dynamic pharmacy practice, and the pharmacy staff is second to none. Baptist offers a wide variety of interprofessional learning experience and allows for personalized resident development.

What is your day like as a resident?
Most daily responsibilities include multidisciplinary rounding, attending meetings and topic discussions, completing patient consults, working on longitudinal projects and precepting students. Every day looks different, but each rewarding in their own way.

What's your favorite thing about Memphis?
Memphis has so much to offer. Between the food and fun, there’s always something new to try.

Why did you choose pharmacy as a career?
I have always desired a career that allowed me to help others while learning new things. Pharmacy is the perfect outlet that combines both my desire to serve others and constantly challenge myself.

Why would you recommend Baptist to a prospective applicant?
Everyone genuinely cares about you inside and outside of the hospital. Baptist truly is something special.

Katora Holmes, PharmD

PGY1 Resident

Katora Holmes Undergraduate degree
Bachelor of Science in biology; University of Tennessee at Chattanooga; 2017
Bachelor of Science in pharmaceutical sciences; University of Tennessee Health Science Center; Memphis, TN; 2020

Graduate degree
Master of Public Health; University of Memphis; 2023

Pharmacy degree
Doctor of Pharmacy; University of Tennessee Health Science Center; Memphis, TN; 2023

About Katora
Katora is from Brownsville, Tennessee, home of the Haywood High Tomcats. In her free time, she enjoys strength training in the gym, trying new restaurants and spending time with family and friends.

Why did you choose Baptist?
When applying for residency programs, I sought out institutions with a strong and proud pharmacy presence that I knew would provide great learning opportunities and allow me to grow as a pharmacist. Baptist Memphis takes pride in their team dynamic as a whole, and the willingness of preceptors to welcome residents onto the team was ultimately what drew me to Baptist.

What is your day like as a resident?
Even though every day is different, the core responsibilities of the day are driven by patient care. This often involves patient rounding, chart reviews and completing consults. Additionally, we work on longitudinal projects that include research, ambulatory care clinics and precepting responsibilities.

What's your favorite thing about Memphis?
My favorite thing about Memphis is the opportunity to work with the unique population of patients that this city has.

Why did you choose pharmacy as a career?
I chose pharmacy once I discovered how much of an impact pharmacists can have on the patients they serve. Pharmacists, to me, are a resource not only to the communities they serve, but also on the care teams they work with. I want to be a resource to those in need and to others who have the common goal of improving patient outcomes.

Why would you recommend Baptist to a prospective applicant?
Baptist offers a very diverse learning experience that can prepare any potential resident with the tools needed to be successful. Whether you know what you want to do as a pharmacist or still need more experiences to figure out what your best fit is in pharmacy, your success after residency at Baptist will be worth the time and commitment.

Madison Price, PharmD

PGY1 Resident

Madison Price Undergraduate degree
Bachelor of Science in chemistry; University of Tennessee; Knoxville, TN; 2019
Bachelor of Science in pharmaceutical sciences; University of Tennessee Health Science Center; Memphis, TN; 2021

Graduate degree
Master of Business Administration; University of Memphis; 2023

Pharmacy degree
Doctor of Pharmacy; University of Tennessee Health Science Center; Memphis, TN; 2023

About Madison
Madison is from Rogersville, Tennessee. Her clinical interests are critical care and infectious disease, but she is interested in seeing a little bit of everything. She enjoys running, kickboxing, reading, travel and exploring Memphis.

Why did you choose Baptist?
I choose Baptist because of the welcoming and supportive culture. Between the preceptors, pharmacy staff and the large residency class, there is always someone to help when you need it. I also knew that the variety of rotations, projects and precepting opportunities offered here will help me become a well-rounded clinical pharmacist.

What is your day like as a resident?
While it looks different for each rotation, the day typically starts by working up patients and going to rounds. Each day also brings different meetings as we work on our presentations, research, and precepting students. One consistent thing each day is coming into the office to catch up with my co-residents and see how everyone's day is going.

What's your favorite thing about Memphis?
There is always something to do in Memphis. From our sports teams, the zoo, the Orpheum and great museums, there are plenty of places to explore. There are also many nice parks, and going for a run on Mud Island is one of my favorite activities. Of course, Memphis is known for its food, so trying new restaurants never disappoints.

Why did you choose pharmacy as a career?
I grew up in the world of independent pharmacy, as both of my parents are pharmacists and own their own pharmacy. Because of this, I have always seen the impact that pharmacists can have on their patients' lives. I decided to do a residency, because I wanted to help patients in the hospital while being a part of a clinical team.

Why would you recommend Baptist to a prospective applicant?
I would recommend Baptist because of the people and the opportunities. I feel like we have been supported from the very beginning. It is also great to have such a large residency class because there is always someone there for you. This program offers the rotations and experiences I wanted to make me a well-rounded pharmacist.

Porsha Mason, PharmD

PGY1 Resident

Porsha Mason Undergraduate degree
Bachelor of Science in biology; University of Memphis; 2017
Bachelor of Science in pharmaceutical sciences; University of Tennessee Health Science Center; Memphis, TN; 2021

Pharmacy degree
Doctor of Pharmacy; University of Tennessee Health Science Center; Memphis, TN; 2023

About Porsha
Porsha is a proud Memphis native. Her professional interests include emergency medicine and internal medicine. Outside of work, Porsha enjoys going on cruises and trying new restaurants.

Why did you choose Baptist?
I chose Baptist because of the people and supportive learning environment. Baptist Memphis offers a variety of rotational experiences that will provide me with the skills needed to be efficient in multiple specialty areas.

What is your day like as a resident?
Each day is different, however my daily responsibilities include completing pharmacy consults, patient workups, longitudinal projects and attending meetings.

What's your favorite thing about Memphis?
My favorite thing about Memphis is definitely the food. I enjoy exploring the city and finding new restaurants.

Why did you choose pharmacy as a career?
I was always intrigued with how drugs work in the body. Being a pharmacist allows me to manage medication therapies while caring for a diverse population.

Why would you recommend Baptist to a prospective applicant?
Baptist provides many opportunities to develop personally and professionally. The preceptors are very supportive of residents' professional interests and are invested in our development.

Will Kalada, PharmD

PGY1 Resident

Will Kalada Undergraduate degree
Bachelor of Science in biochemistry and cellular and molecular biology; University of Tennessee; Knoxville, TN; 2018

Pharmacy degree
Doctor of Pharmacy; University of Tennessee Health Science Center; Memphis, TN; 2023

About Will
Will is from Hendersonville, Tennessee. He wanted to work in pharmacy because of the kindness of a pharmacist who helped his family through a difficult time. His hobbies include hiking and being in nature, watching movies and playing games with friends, and trying new places to eat.

Why did you choose Baptist?
The pharmacy staff here is so friendly and supportive of each other, alongside the availability of so many challenging rotations that will help me grow into a better pharmacist for my future patients.

What is your day like as a resident?
The typical day of a resident is never the same, but that is part of the interest that drew me to residency. With every day having some challenges, that also means every day has an opportunity for growth and learning. Overcoming these challenges is very rewarding, but the most rewarding part of my days tend to be related to when patients are discharged and healthy.

What's your favorite thing about Memphis?
I love the people, culture and food of Memphis. These three things are all related to each other and have made me enjoy my time in Memphis over the past five years.

Why did you choose pharmacy as a career?
When I was younger, my grandfather was diagnosed with liver cancer, and it was a confusing time for my grandmother and family. Most of my family was not medically literate or had any exposure to health care education. The person who helped to make my family, specifically my grandmother, feel comfortable and heard was the pharmacist. Seeing how much of a difference this one person made for my family inspired me to look at this career path.

Why would you recommend Baptist to a prospective applicant?
Baptist preceptors and faculty are welcoming and understanding to new residents. They have made a massive difference in setting us up for success and the transition from student to resident.


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